Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bowling/ Mr. Gatti's

Bowling has really become something T is good at. We try to go atleast once a month, but sometimes we go twice. I love to do things with T that my Mom and Dad did with us when we were kids. It brings back Memories for me, but also helps me create new ones with him. I LOVE IT!!!

WOW - he is a cute "little man"

I think I will have to lock him up until he is 21...just kidding....
I am a biased parent, can you tell???


After bowling. we went to grab some food at T's favorite restaurant, Mr Gatti's. There, T made a new dicovery..... He is finally tall enough the ride the Bumper Cars at Mr Gatti's! Only problem is, I couldn't get him to stop riding until I went through 16 coins for him and 8 coins for me, which was all he had left. He loved it!!

We did attempt to win the Motorcylce race, but only got 4th Place.


Also, for those of you whom pray on a regular basis: Can you please say a prayer for me and my group from Paul Ann Baptist Church who are going on a Mission Trip to Del Rio and Mexico tomorrow evening until late Saturday. It would be greatly appreciated! I will write a new blog on it when I return and hopefully I will be able to get a few pictures to add while I am there.

1 comment:

john_emler said...

I don't say this very often. But that is one cute kid