The first thing they did was to pet Joker, his dad's horse. I decided to take a few pictures of him and his dad and their family.

The next thing was to take a picture on the Saddle (of which would later be put in a frame they painted). Then, go try to rope the Calf Dummy. T did a great job!

The third station was the Boot Scramble. Here they had to run down to the cone, put over-sized boots on and run to the finish line. T looked like a pro in over-sized boots! I guess all the times he walked around my house with my boots on, and his dad's house with his boots on, paid off.

Next, was the Clothes Race. They were supposed to put the over-sized clothes on and run back to the finish line, however T and most of the kids gave up before they ever got the pants all the way on. The pants didn't slide over their boots very well.

The last event outside was the Stick-Horse Race. They did it twice. The first time he did well as you can see, but the second one he was losing so he decided to cheat and just run with the horse beside him.

When they went inside, they sponge-painted bandannas and then Painted Frames.

Lastly, they had snack and story time. T kept turning around and doing the I Love You sign.

I am truly glad I got to go to his School, especially since he kept telling me thank you when I picked him up from his Dad's after work this evening. I have the most Awesome Little Man!!!
The pictures are great! What a cute cowboy!
My baby girl was sitting in my lap looking at these with me and she kept saying, "Aww." "Oh, look at him." "He looks so cute." You don't think she loves her cousin, do you?
What a wonderful discovery to find this web page. I haven't checked my email at home in months.
Tristan, FOR SURE, you are the cutest cowboy Ojo ever did see.
Heather, thank you for sharing your lives with me.
Remember, Tristan, Ojo loves you and is so proud of you and will always be here for you.
I am always available and love you both.
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