Well, T wanted to do a project, but the one they were doing at Home Depot was not one he really wanted to do this time. So, we made a trip to Michaels and picked up a craft project for the two of us to do at home. He bought a airplane project and we worked on it as soon as we got home. T also thought it would be fun for us to make his cousin some puppets, so we decided that could be our second project for the weekend. I started on them while T was putting his airplane together. Then, while it was drying he helped me on the puppets. Once the airplane dried, he went outside to paint it exactly how it should be. Here is some snap shots to show you what fun we had:

We always try to do at least one fun "out of the ordinary" project on the weekends we spend together. It makes for a fun time and good memories.
Later in the afternoon, we played basketball together, read together, and then I watched T ride his scooter Santa brought him for Christmas.
I love days like that! We really love spending time together!
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