Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had a blast this year! First we went to Batman's school Fall Festival and play all the games we could. Then after, we all went to the house to hand out candy to the other Trick-or-Treaters.
I am very lucky to have such a generous "Batman"! He gave away candy by the handfuls. When I would get on to him and tell him "only two per kids or we will run out of candy for the rest of them," all he could say was "aww Mom, they are just having a good time and if we run out, I can just give them mine..." I get so proud of him when he does things like that! Good thing I bought three big bags from Sam's last week, since it was all gone after the kids quit coming to the house. And sure enough, Little Man still has all his own candy to eat. He was originally going to be Ironman, but when we actually went to get his costume, he fell in awe of the Batman costume and chose it instead. This year to make it more fun, he got to choose my costume. I wanted to be Catwoman, but T wanted me to match him and chose the Batwoman costume instead. It turned out really cute! Halloween is so much more fun with T around!
This was T's favorite part of decorating this year....I dont' like spiders normally, but this one I don't mind too much. You should have seen him carry it our of the store! It is literally as tall as he is...

Showing off his cape. He kept running all over the yard telling me he was flying to rescue people. Too cute!!
Showing off his mucles under our spider web in the tree.Two of Little Man's best friends from school (Indiana Jones -Jaxon and Army Man- Ben).

Batman and Pirate Carrie Gartman (His Teacher)

Going on the Hay Ride
Batman and Batboy (Chris bought his in Ohio, when he was TDY for the Military, and we had already bought was funny when we told each other what we had bought, without meaning to match.)

The Three of Us...
We hope you all had a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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