Saturday, November 22, 2008
Let us be Thankful - SACA Play 11/21/08
Currently, T is at his Dad's house in Fort Stockton until Wednesday and then I will leave my Parent's to go get him and take him back with me to Ingram for the rest of the week. I am sure I will post while I am there, so keep checking back.
We hope you all have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
SACA Field Trip to the Christmas Tree Farm 11/19/08
Our day started out at the school at 8am. After Chapel time, we promptly left to go to Eldorado to our much anticipated destination. Once there, all the children (Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade) all circled around the flag pole to honor our Country by saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

They had a "Dress the Scarecrow Contest" too! It was so cute and the kids thouroughly enjoyed it. There were four small groups and they all had their own area and clothes to use. They turned out great!
The finished product....
These llamas were new to the Tree Farm this year and 95% of the kids had never seen one before. They all learned what llamas eat and asked a handfuls of questions.
In the midst of feeding the llamas, we decided it was about time to eat lunch, so we roasted Hot Dogs and had Smores for dessert. Most of the kids had never cooked anything over an open fire, so they enojyed the fact they could prepare their oen food without the help of an adult.
Shortly after lunch, we loaded up the school vans to get the kids back so they would still have time to take a nap. The whole van ride back tot he school, T kept asking me when we were going to go back and begged me to get a real tree this year. We will see, I would love to get one, but they are a pain to clean up after (especially with two cats that will love to play).
I hope you day was a wonderful as mine. I love to be there to experience T's "Firsts!" But for those of you who can't, that is what this blog is for. Have a great evening everyone!
Hiding Turkeys From Farmer Brown

Here are some snap shots of the other kid's turkeys. I snuck a few pictures of them when I went to pick T up from school on Monday after school. They really turned out cute! These kids, though still young, have a wonderful imagination. I would love to give Kuddos to the parents for helping their kids make it happen the way they pictured it! Out of fourteen kids, they all turned out different and unique. See if you can guess what they all are disguised as....

Monday, November 17, 2008
Snowflake Showcase
I was extremely lucky to be placed right next to one of my dearest friends for the exciting event! For all of you that attended, your support was greatly appreciated! If you saw anything you like, please contact me to come by to see it again in person. Pictures never show the products true beauty! Also, I will be updating the web page this week with all the remaining new stuff that was at the Showcase this last Saturday.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
End of Season Soccer Party/Awards

He did let me snap a shot of him carrying in the flowers "like a big boy does" and he was grinning ear to ear when he told her "I picked them out myself and Mommy didn't even argue with me. Do you like them, if not Mommy can have them." It was funny. She told him she was very excited about them and asked if she could keep them instead. Of course, that made both his dimples pop out when he smiled with delight.

He is so excited about his trophy that he kept jumping up in place until she called out his name. He jumped up there so fast and turned immediately away and ran for me to show me. I couldn't help but laugh and wonder if I was that excited when I got my first trophy. I love to watch his excitement over the things in life. It makes all the long tiresome days worth it!
**I am also proud to announce that I will soon be Upgraded to a Basketball Mom at the end of this month. Tristan will be participating in Upwards Basketball.
My Surprise from Chris
Here is a picture of my flowers. Tigger,one of my cats, loves to rub up against the leaves on flower is so cute to watch him just keep rubbing back and forth....

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Knights Last Game

The Cousins at Kids Worshop
Halloween 2008
I am very lucky to have such a generous "Batman"! He gave away candy by the handfuls. When I would get on to him and tell him "only two per kids or we will run out of candy for the rest of them," all he could say was "aww Mom, they are just having a good time and if we run out, I can just give them mine..." I get so proud of him when he does things like that! Good thing I bought three big bags from Sam's last week, since it was all gone after the kids quit coming to the house. And sure enough, Little Man still has all his own candy to eat. He was originally going to be Ironman, but when we actually went to get his costume, he fell in awe of the Batman costume and chose it instead. This year to make it more fun, he got to choose my costume. I wanted to be Catwoman, but T wanted me to match him and chose the Batwoman costume instead. It turned out really cute! Halloween is so much more fun with T around!
Showing off his cape. He kept running all over the yard telling me he was flying to rescue people. Too cute!!