Tristan wanted new pajamas to wear while he was at Mommy's house this summer so we made a trip to Wal-Mart the week before he left. (Yes, I know I am slow in my postings again, but I have been busy with him since he is now back at home and on our normal schedule again. Sorry...) Anyway, he had grown quite a bit and his other three sets were now looking like capri pants on this very tall and slender little man. So, we ended up getting his Monkey Pj's (picked out solely by him) one size too big just so he would have the right length on the legs. He wanted to show his Monkey talents that Uncle Monkey taught him (his Uncle Matt in Fort Stockton --- whom, might I add does the best Monkey impersonation I have ever seen).
Below are the pictures we took

Here is a video I took. I couldn't get it to rotate and he was pretty worn out from all the jumping around so this was the best I could do....
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