Well, I fell behind a day since Little Man and I decided to stay in San Antonio for the night and save trip for Day #4. Sorry!
DAY #3 -- We met two of my dearest friends, Rowdy and Catherine, and their daughter after Catherine's Doctor's appointment. We met at her doctor's office in order to let the kids see each other a little longer. They played in the waiting room for about an hour while they monitored the baby and did blood work on Catherine. Catherine is extremely prego and they found out at her doc appointment yesterday that they will need to go ahead an induce her this Saturday at 6:30am. We had originally planned on meeting up after the appt and then taking the kids bowling, but since the appt ran late, we missed open bowling and they had already started league bowling. So, we ate at Macaroni's and then went to see about movies. By this time, Catherine was getting tired of the long day (and rightfully so), so we just decided to part ways so they could drive back to Kyle, TX and rest. Man, I forgot how much I missed them. Little man and I are currently trying to decide whether or not to go ahead and stay down here until the baby is born, or whether we should go ahead and go back so he doesn't miss his first soccer game of the season. Since the time with Rowdy and Catherine was cut short, I never had time to stop and take pictures. If we stay, I will do just that on Saturday.
After our friends left town, we met up with another friend, Scott, whom was graqcious enough to let us hang out with him for the rest of the evening and even more so let us crash at his place. We always stay with him when we are down there. He is a really neat guy and a blast to hang out with. Some day I will get a picture of him on here if he will let me...
DAY#4 -- It was an early morning for the first time this vacation. We got up early and headed to get breakfast at McDonald's (little man's choice). He wanted their hot cakes and I wasn't going to tell him No, since I LOVE their hashbrowns.

Once we were full to the max, we headed to Sea World for a day of Mother and Son fun. Yup, this time it was just us and we had a blast! We even had our faces painted..because you are "not cool if you don't get your face painted" (per little man)! We decide to stay out of the water park and ride parts of Sea World since it was his first time to go. We hit every show they had and went in all the animal exhibits instead. We really had fun. I had Little Man pick the pictures he liked best to try to limit the amount we post on here. They are smaller than normal, but remember, if you want to see the full screen view, you can just click on the picture and it will bring it up for you.

We are now back in Kerrville and went to eat dinner at our favorite restaurant here, Mamacita's. It is an awesome mexican restaurant. Omi (my grandmother), Memaw and PopPop (my mother and father) and my nephew all ate, then came home to let the boys play until bed time.
Hope you all had a good day too!!!