For the first time in a long time, the Lord blessed me with the opportunity to go on a Mission Trip with the Singles Ministry group from
Paul Ann Baptist Church. We left here at 6 pm on Friday night and arrived back here safely at midnight last night. Eighteen PABC members rode down to Del Rio in two church vans to help out our fellow Christians in Del Rio who are trying to start a church and after we were done there, we had the opportunity to visit two orphanages in Mexico.
We painted two coats on the inside of the
Esperanza Del Rio Community Church on Saturday morning, and worshiped God in between paint coats drying. Then, we proceeded to drive to Acuna, Mexico where we visited two Children's Orphanages (Missions) a spent time with the kids and learning about their life experiences in these orphanages. Zachary also donated his bike to the first orphanage we visited. They were so excited! We were able to play with the children, talk to them (as our rusted Spanish permitted), and share the word of God through the Story of Jesus Bracelets and cards we handed out (typed in Spanish). For those of you who have not had the pleasure of reading about these, this is what it says;
Story of Jesus 'Christ's Story' Bracelet:

- One night there was a bright star (Star Charm),
- which guided three men (3 green beads),
- who were the three wise men (3 white beads),
- To the birth of Jesus (1 clear bead),
- Who later in life became a carpenter (1 brown wood bead),
- And a fisher of men and souls (1 fish charm),
- He had twelve apostles (12 metal rings),
- Who spread the Word of Christ. (1 clear bead).
- But on one black day (3 black beads) of hatred, envy and death
- he was crucified (1 silver cross)
- He shed His blood for us (1 red bead)
- to purify and save us (1 clear bead).
- He rose and is now in Heaven (1 blue bead)
- seated with the Father and the Holy Spirit(1 dove charm)
- And He did all this because of His great love for us (1 heart bead).